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Cathy Roy - Learning to Weave in Alberta

  • Nickle Galleries, University of Calgary 411 Campus Lane NW Calgary, AB, T2N 1N4 Canada (map)

There is little evidence of home weaving by Albertans prior to the middle of the 20th century. This lecture examines the social context of the mid-century institutions of weaving instruction established in the province. Guilds, the government, and even a grain company played defining roles. Attracting high quality instructors hastened the development of art weaving.

Cathy Roy was a practicing custom tailor/cutter for 14 years and a museum curator for over 15 years. Alberta weaving was part of her research while Curator of Western Canadian History at the Royal Alberta Museum. She is a fourth generation settler on Treaty Six lands in Amiskwacîwâskahikan (Edmonton).

Presented as part of Nickle Galleries’ series: Nickle at Noon. Free, everyone welcome.

Earlier Event: November 22
Prairie Interlace: Exhibition Tour
Later Event: December 6
Prairie Interlace: Exhibition Tour